Asking the right questions that can change your life?


Friday, July 9, 2010

The next Question

Monday, I was in pain physically - which I chose to ignore since I thought it was related to my over zealous workout routine - but I was also in pain emotionally.  Which I attempted to ignore but couldn't.      Have you ever done that?      Know you need to address that pain or fear or hurt but say - no not now - later.     Well, I don't know what happens in your world but in mine - Divine Order steps in - every time - so I need to recognize that and address issues as they appear and stop burying my head in the sand!   Easier said then done.  
In my  "Are you asking the Right Questions" workshop one of the most popular question is:      *What are YOU resisting ???    So, with pain in my physical body and in my chest wall the hospital is where I ended up yesterday.   4 days later.  Severe pain crippled my body to the point of collapse when I attempted to get dress.  Pain so bad - I stopped breathing.  Well, my intention was to take my husband to work and use the car. Uh? excuse me - then do what? Oh yeah, I was hurting but needed to go pay a couple of bills, take my grandson to an interview and get some food shopping done.  Well, like I said Divine Intervention as a way of showing up so you can pay attention to whatever it is you are resisting.       
Well after - Michael rushed me to the ER, with tears rolling down my cheeks from the pain of getting in his Ford F150 (that has no running board) and getting out and walking into the hospital and being rushed through at the speed of light because they thought my sided chest wall pain was chest pain ( and  because we have insurance :D ) after being drained, poked and prodded, Xrayed and EKG'd; I was left alone for awhile.  Michael had to pick up my  grandson so I had to lay there and wait for the results.   Lay and wait.  Pretty much what you have to do when you have faith that things will be all right - because all kinds of images of what could be wrong showed up!     Maybe it's my kidney and I have kidney stones, (only born with 1 kidney so that's not good) maybe the TB from youth flared up - maybe the spot on my lungs got bigger, maybe it was just what I thought all along - my workout was too much of a strain - after all I am out of shape!  In the meantime when you have time and you are laying in the hospital ER bed what do you do?


While laying there I had time to address the emotional pain since the physical was being attended to - Why is my heart hurting - why am I sad, why am I feeling so down?  What am I resisting?

Ask and you shall receive - like the answer or not.  What I have been resisting is "What Is"

Yes - that's right - What IS.  I am normally in a state of gratitude.  In fact every morning and evening we ask each other what 3 things are you grateful for today - and usually turns into alot more than 3.  But Monday is when I received my 2nd check for this new job and it was nothing that calculated - in fact it was $600 less.  Then I looked at what was lacking - no money to help my grandson with college, no money for basics we needed, no money for a number things that was pressing at that point.  Of course, I called work to see what the problem was found out there was no problem - I calculated wrong!  So now I am resisting big time.  I never paid this amount in 15 years for a full week of work - I need to find another job - I can't operate with this pay scale. Going on and on and on.

While laying in the ER bed - a thought came to me that showed up earlier that day - just before I opened my eyes.

If you resist What is - you push away what you want! - PEACE AND JOY

In other words - if I can't appreciate and marvel in gratitude at what is- all I am going to attract is more lack - the very thing I don't want.  More stress. More sadness. More anxiety. More tears.

I have home, I have a car, I have food, I have a job, I have a mate,  I have family, I have friends, In other words - There is no lack - Nothing is missing.  Except my ability to see the truth. So now while I lay there in the hospital bed - I can finally see again.  Now there are more tears - but not from pain but from releasing the resistance and marveling in What is!

What are you resisting? 

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What does July fourth mean to YOU?

To me it means Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness! 

To mimic a mentor of mine, David Wood

  • Location Freedom - the ability to live or travel anywhere in the world. 

  • Time Freedom - Being able to choose to work 5 days a week or 1.
  • Financial Freedom - not having to check the prices, when I shop for anything. To buy things that bring me joy. To give freely those I love without guilt of neglecting a bill. To have all the bills paid, the savings account, IRA's, stocks continually growing for our retirement.
  • Inner Freedom - The freedom to be myself, write my books, created more joy by sharing what I know and Love with the world. Feeling God's presence in my Spirit, Life and affairs daily.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Questions carry tremendous power! They may heighten your perspective in times of uncertainty. Depending on the outcome you seek, whether it’s in the area of love, career, life, finances or health, you need to learn to ask yourself the right questions!  Quote.

When we ask the right questions regarding the uncertainty in our lives, we feed our Life Force.  We are coming from a place of Self-Acceptance and Self-Love!    Debbie Ford

Asking the right questions allows us to move beyond the surface of Life to the Truth and depth of who we really are: "The Heartbeat in the Heart of GOD" as quoted by a close friend of mine; Rev. Kevin K. Ross.

You and I are Energy, We are Vibration.  We are part of the Divine Vibration that created nature, planets, stars, the entire Cosmos. When we are in alignment with this Divine Source - we are on track, we feel good, feel connected, Unstoppable. - Panache

There are no obstacles in our life, there is no fear, and there is no lack! As we grow and expand through different experiences our Vibration becomes heavy with beliefs, ideas, perceptions, behaviors and habits that we have gathered along our journey. Over time our beliefs and our habits can work against us- Believe me I know.  One of my belief use to be that you have to work hard to make a decent living  - not true. Winning the Lotto was a pipe dream and a waste of time.  You had to put in long hours to make ends meet.  What removing that particular belief has done for me is called Freedom.  Freedom to choose a career instead of just having a job, or allowed me to pursue my hobby as an income. Which is writing?  Can you tell? You have to work at what you love and the money will definitely follow.  We hear that all the time and I knew it but in the meantime I was too busy making money to pay bills to enjoy the process.

False beliefs about who we are weaken our connection and our faith; deplete our energies, adding stress, fear and pain. When we are overwhelmed from the challenges of Life or when we have decisions to make but can't; it’s when we get to this point -- we need to ask a different set of questions.

The Right Questions! 

Questions that will shift our focus, our perceptions; from unconscious to conscious; from sleep to awake, from fear to Faith. 

Questions that Empower US, Questions that will lead us back to feeling Connected to our Loving GOD!

I truly believe that Life here on Earth is supposed to be a big playground!  My favorite motto from Rev. Michaels is "Have Fun, Learn something and Help Others.  When we can't do that, we have to question - why not?